Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Spartan Girl

The thought of Sparta inspires many with images of relentless warriors, fierce bravery and incredible physical prowess of Spartan warriors, and yet there was another gender in Spartan society that was equally worthy of depiction as strong and athletic. In Sparta both boys and girls would participate in athletic competitions. The girl in the sculpture above is running with all she has in her. She wears a short skirt, and a simple sash across her upper body, leaving her breasts and the lungs beneath them unencumbered by restrictive clothing. She turns her head back to look at the competition and seems to wear a small smile on her face, perhaps she is in the lead. This girl is likely a depiction of a racer competing in the games at Heraria, Similar to the Olympic games, but in honor of the goddess Hera, (British Museum) the girl is the embodiment of physical prowess and a demonstration of some of the egalitarian qualities of Spartan society.

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